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Are you interested in 阀杆 (科学, 技术, 工程, 数学ematics)?

足彩投注 has a variety of student programs that are aimed in providing the resources, tools, and skills to help its students succeed in 阀杆 disciplines. Our mission is to support and develop methods that will improve academic achievement and ensure students are supported throughout their academic journey in 阀杆 related 字段.

阀杆 @ Mesa

数学ematics, 工程, 科学 Achievement (MESA) Programs

数学ematics, 工程, 科学 Achievement (MESA) Programs

Established over 40 years ago, the California Community College 数学ematics, 工程, 科学 Achievement (MESA) Programs help underserved and underrepresented students majoring in calculus-based 阀杆 (科学, 技术, 工程 and 数学ematics) 字段 who seek to transfer to a four-year institution.

来参观MS 120的MESA中心吧. 如有疑问,请联系MESA主任罗伯特 Monroy在 rmonroy001@sdccd.edu.



现在打开! The 干细胞中心 is located in the Learning Resource Center (LRC-115) and 营业时间是上午9点到下午5点. Now available to students: calculator rentals, laptop checkout, access to 阀杆 tutors, drop-in counseling, model/material checkout, lounge area, and 更!



Launched in 2017 is the 茎Conexiones (阀杆 Connections) program that focuses on creating connections within the Mesa 阀杆 community. 学生,教师和途径 connections are pillars to the 茎Conexiones grant. 通过这个项目 can apply for a 阀杆 faculty-mentor that will mentor them over a semester, get access to 阀杆 tutoring, and have priority to a designated 阀杆 counselor.



The 创新研究实验室 aims to empower our diverse student population to obtain their academic goals by providing educational access, support, inclusion, and lifelong learning opportunities at 足彩投注. 作为一所社区大学的研究 center, we promote student success by linking faculty with student mentees to develop exciting research ideas, encourage scholarship, and nurture scientific identity.



There is a shortage in California schools for math and science teachers.  如果你是 interested in teaching math or science, submit an application for the 阀杆 Teacher Ed 2020-2021年计划.   As a 阀杆 Teacher Ed student, you can complete your Teacher Education courses with a focus on 阀杆 so you can transfer and earn your degree and 教学证书.  You will also receive incentives such as a SurfacePro laptop on loan and complimentary WebAssign 数学 access codes for your math classes. 



The 足彩投注 阀杆 Peer Mentoring program is aimed to help students develop and support 阀杆 related studying and time management skills, while promoting collaborative peer mentoring related to 阀杆 discipline and career.



茎俱乐部 focus on bringing students of similar majors and areas of interest together in order to build larger networks, collaborate and help each other with difficult 主题. 茎俱乐部 provide students with resources so they can succeed both educationally 和专业.



在这里注册 for our weekly email on 阀杆 事件 happening on campus & 你附近!




Take on the challenge to learn about the disciplines that investigate and seek to understand the natural and technological world. 许多学生质疑追求a degree in a 阀杆 field without the knowledge that programs are specifically created 确保每个学生都能成功. 在梅萨,有一个支持我的社区 available to every student and being involved in 阀杆 allows students to focus on 不同的学科.


科学 is the broadest field of study in 阀杆; it includes 不同的学科 like biology, chemistry, geology, oceanography, astronomy, psychology, and many more. As science majors, students can learn and study life processes and relationships that 塑造我们的世界. Scientists generally hold a graduate degree with an emphasis in a 专业化. Exciting break-through research is currently being conducted in the science disciplines, now is the time to major in science!


技术 encompasses computer information science and related 字段. 作为第21个 century continues to progress toward the digital era, the demand on professionals with a Computer 科学 degree continues to increase. 目前需求量很大的职业 include cyber security, computer analysts and software developers. 许多专业人士 能从学士学位开始吗.


Engineers design, create, enhance, and produce materials and systems that are used 在日常实践中. Most engineers are employed with a bachelor’s degree, although some may choose to continue to graduate school. 工程师可以选择多种 disciplines to study such as Mechanical, Civil, Aerospace, Environmental, Industrial, 电气与核能.


数学ematicians analyze data, sequences, and solve real-world problems using data. 许多数学家获得博士学位.D.在进入劳动力市场之前. 职业包括, but are not limited to becoming a data analyst, teacher or professor, statistician 或者专注于应用经济学/金融学.